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  • Biomechanics



The Consultation

The consultation is designed to assess and discuss any issues which need to be targeted, discuss injuries, pain, weaknesses. To outline goals for both patient and myself. What we would like to achieve.

A full medical background will need to be taken. Details of prescriptive medications, pain relief and any medical conditions which could have implications to either the areas we are targeting or the treatment provided.

The biomechanic assessment will take place after the consultation.

Biomechanic Assessment

A comprehensive evaluation of the structure, alignment and function of your body, paying particular attention to the feet, ankles, legs, thighs, hips and lower back.

Imbalances anywhere in the body create compensations in other areas of the body. A leg length discrepancy, muscle imbalance, joint dysfunction, pelvic asymmetry, core dysfunction, can all have an adverse affect in a different area from where the problem started. Deferred pain. This will be to do with the Connectic chain in the body.

A Biomechanic Assessment looking at posture, standing and seating positions and mobility of all limbs, aims to understand fully what is happening and outline what we can do to restore balance and improve function.

Flexion, extension, rotation and other movements will need to be done to see if there are any imbalances or areas which are weak.


A healthy back has three natural curves:

  • An inward or forward curve at the neck (cervical curve)
  • An outward or backward curve at the upper back (thoracic curve)
  • An inward curve at the lower back (lumbar curve)

Healthy posture is a result of these 3 natural curves, while poor posture occurs when they are misaligned — which can stress or pull muscles and cause pain.

Treatment is to improve alignment and symmetry of muscle and reduce muscle soreness after excercise.

Core Stability

In essence, core stability means ‘stability of the spine’. Your core muscles or power house muscles are those in your back and abdomen which provide a solid base upon which all other muscles can work upon to initiate movement . Core strength or stability refers to the ability of those muscles to support your spine and keep your body stable and balanced. It is the strength that allows you to perform manual tasks safely and effectively in everyday life.

Poor core strength means that you are more likely to suffer from back injuries, and other peripheral injuries. A comprehensive strengthening program of these core muscles can be used for injury prevention, rehabilitation and sport performance enhancement promoting healthy wellbeing and keeping you functional.

Jo has extensive experience and training including a Level 5 BTEC in biomechanic assesment and treatment through sports therapy of many medical conditions, pre and post operative rehabilitation, pre and post sports events therapy and post spinal rehabilitation and treatment.

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Treatment Centre

41 Commercial Street,
SO18 6LY

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm